Club Crimsyn
The 'Y' Makes It Hip
when things go wrong 
15th-Nov-2009 07:41 pm
TS3 - Jacob - Crazy

At some point today, some time between a breakfast that consisted of a pancake that was larger than my head and cider after noon that was wasn't quite real, I told [personal profile] robokitty and [ profile] century_eyes of the horror that was Things I Try To Do That Go Wrong. [personal profile] gelydh has seen these, and now I share them with the rest of you. This is what happens when I start messing around with making new sliders.

What's the point? Well... sometimes making CC calls for experimentation. Often times, those experiments go really, really wrong. Sometimes, I feel the need to share my pain.
16th-Nov-2009 05:01 am (UTC)
Selene from Underworld
Chin width.. that'll be cool. especially if you can create cleft chins with it... and yeah, that height slider can create some ... interesting results. I changed the max to 5 for a bit to see what would happen, and test sim got this weird 'w' shape almost going on with his head being the middle peak, and shoulders creating the two outer peaks.

If only the legs didn't mostly stay the same. I guess it could be evened out some with the pelvic slider from the other set.. then the waist slider to make the waist proportional to the increased pelvis.. but that might be too much trouble.
17th-Nov-2009 07:35 pm (UTC)
Tattoo - My Wings
I'll have to see about making cleft chins, too! Good idea!

I'm going to be seeing what I can do about the height slider at some point, but not sure when I'll have time. It'll be a pain in the ass, but I'm sure if it gets working right, it'll totally be worth the effort.
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