Club Crimsyn
The 'Y' Makes It Hip
GoS Secret Santa 09 - Gifts 
21st-Dec-2009 11:21 am
TS3 - Pie

My secret santa on GoS got her gift, and now I'm going to share it with everyone. My SS is an Emilie Autumn fan, so all the gifts relate to Miss Autumn in one way or another.

Admittedly, I was struggling to come up with traits. Feel free to tweak them as you see fit. Also, I was going cross-eyed trying to get the TS3 sliders to cooperate, so her facial structure isn't perfect.

The heart is found under Costume Make Up and has a custom thumbnail, and two recolorable parts. The lipstick has three recolorable channels, and the texture is originally by the insanely talented [personal profile] nymphy for TS2.

Mesh is originally by Sussie for TS2, retextured by me. For teen-elder females only.

Includes a new corset top, reshaped and retextured shorts, tights, and boots.

The boots don't morph quite right at the extreme fat end of the slider; sorry. I'll work on fixing that up in the coming weeks.

Shiny. Similar boots for males coming very soon!

Corset back.

Found under Decorative -- Misc; all items have custom thumbnails. Sheet music costs §10, the bow is §160, and the violins are §775.

Phew! I think that just about covers it.

21st-Dec-2009 10:15 pm (UTC)
Selene from Underworld
These are awesome. ^^ Thanks for sharing. I hadn't heard of Emilie Autumn until you posted that video last night, though I recognized the sim as the one in FrozenStar's usual avatar.
22nd-Dec-2009 10:56 pm (UTC)
Tattoo - My Wings
Thanks, and you're very welcome!

I'd heard of her back in 2002, but wasn't really impressed. I do love her newer stuff quite a bit, so I'm really glad I got my SS or I'd probably never have bothered listening to her again. :D
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