Club Crimsyn
The 'Y' Makes It Hip
more TS3 
3rd-Jun-2009 06:34 pm
TS3 - Aikea Sim

Just more TS3 pics. Included are Jacob, Markus, James, Deanna, Jade, Glass, Tristan, Emily, T&E's son Al, Aikea-Sim, and Gelydh-Sim. And an unholy army of gnomes.
5th-Jun-2009 02:02 am (UTC)
default, madmen
wait ... what? T&E had a son? I want dating rights! *sorry Markus* LOL
5th-Jun-2009 02:16 am (UTC)
Jacob - TS3 - Scare
hahaha He seriously looked just like Tristan, with just a bit of Emily's cheeks. They're not my active household (I've been hanging out with Jacob since he's absolutely hysterical), so I just check in on them once in a while.

Whatever happens in TS3 is so not canon, especially since Emily keeps autonomously flirting with Jacob. :X

Gah... need to make Andy!
5th-Jun-2009 02:26 am (UTC)
default, madmen
yes ... yes you do. :)

and Chris.
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