Club Crimsyn
The 'Y' Makes It Hip
February 27th, 2010 
03:52 pm - Sanctuary II - Mohawk with Bangs for Females
TS3 - Jacob - Punkin

Remember this set? I finally fixed up the last hair mesh I'd been working on for it. I feel a little silly because it ended up being an insanely easy fix, only I didn't realize what was happening until I started converting the plants in the Eponymous set and ran into the same problem. It involves uv mapping and wandering points and etc.

Anyway, here you go; another hair for your less-mainstream simlettes. Pretty sure this one's Teen-Elder.

Previews lost in a wheat field... )


(The grass in the background of the previews is coming soon.)
09:29 pm - Sleeping Fields - Grass & Wheat
TS3 - Jacob - Punkin

[personal profile] gelydh originally made this for TS2, and then attempted to convert it to TS3 for me. It was going to be all fancy and CASTable, but I was too picky so I took the project over from her. In the end, the grass wasn't CASTable, but it is multi-placeable and comes in two lengths and three color variations.

One of my cats stole the previews and left them as an offering on my pillow... )

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