aikea_guinea: (RB3 - Jacob - Bass)
[personal profile] aikea_guinea posting in [community profile] club_crimsyn

I loved these curtains by Simtomatic in TS2, and decided to convert them. There are two texture choices for the main curtain: a satin one with two color channels, and a more velvety one with three color channels. These come in a left, right, and center panel arrangement. There's also a single panel sheer and lace version that fits behind the main curtains. I also went ahead and made an empty curtain rod so you can fit these to whatever width window you have.

I'm also tossing out a quick rug edit I did because I was sick of not having a rug that fit nicely under a double bed without being insanely huge. It comes with five rug textures you can put any pattern on.

Velvety curtains with lower satin panel.

Sheer panel. I'm not sure why I didn't get a preview of the lace curtain; I'll remedy this shortly.

Lace panel.

Use the empty curtain rod to create custom-width curtains.

Single center panel in satin.

Rugs. Sorry for the crappy previews; these are just a bonus download and I didn't feel like going all out on them. :/

Rug 2
Rug 3
Rug 4
Rug 5

Do whatever you want with these as long as you're not claiming you made them or putting them on paysites of any kind. Mesh and textures for the curtains by Simtomatic @ TSR. Textures for the rugs from CG Textures.


Date: 2011-02-14 08:49 pm (UTC)
From: [identity profile]
These are fantastic, I always struggle to find great curtains for my game, especially ones which will fit all windows. These will be a great staple item :)

I have a quick WCIF: I love the fringed rug in the first pic, where can I find that?

Date: 2011-02-15 10:41 am (UTC)
From: [identity profile]
I'm pretty sure your referring to this one...

Thanks for sharing, these look fabulous <3
Always needed some MOAR beautiful curtains and textury rugs ^^

Date: 2011-02-15 11:37 am (UTC)
From: [identity profile]
Thanks a bundle :) I knew I had seen it before but just couldn't place it. Curtains look great in game btw.
Tristan: "I didn't think you could come up with something like this on your own. Although 'Club Crimsyn' is something I could see you having a hand in."
Chris: "The 'Y' makes it hip."
Tristan: "Yes, if you say so."


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