AFtoAM Shoes, AF Basegame Mohawk Edit
Oct. 5th, 2011 05:59 pm![[personal profile]](../
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I'm pretty sure I've mentioned bunches of times over the years that I don't really do requests. Still, once in a while someone will ask so damn nice for something that's pretty easy that I figure it's ok to do them once in a while.
Anyway, just a couple of random items...
The first is my 'Secret' shoes for males. They have the exact same textures and presets as the female version, only they've been scaled for male feet. These have all the morphs and LODs, and... I have to admit I'm really surprised by how good they work. In fact, I'm sorta really tempted to make the heel a bit bigger and release them as a pair of 70s platform shoes.

Pretty much the same as the female version.
Next up is a variation on that weird 'mohawk' for females from the base game. It's sort of funny, because I agreed to do this while I was on vacation, then of course I got horribly sick for two weeks, so I pretty much forgot that I'd agreed to do it. Then, on the way to the store about a week ago I thought to myself 'Oh man... if I stick my hair straight up, it looks just like that one hair from the base game. Only difference is my hair isn't shaved quite so close as that one. I should go in and add the buzz cut scalp... wait. Someone already asked me to do that..."
I'd like to say that 'all I did' was add on a scalp and face texture to take it from 'I shaved my head with a razor!' to 'I used a pair of clippers without a guard!', but I got a bit more involoved than that. Not much, but enough that something that should have taken me 2 minutes to do ended up taking me 2 days.
I brought the hairline down in front to give some slight ease to the 'five-head' issue the original hair has (not that I'm against five-heads, since I seriously have a huge forehead in the really real world), and did some slight blending and editing of EA's shaved head textures. I also replaced EA's textures with my own, including the diffuse, control, and specular. Because of personal choice and the original requestee, these have a shine control rather than EA's highlight control. I... just... do not like EA's highlight control. (Why oh WHY don't their halos work in the game as wonderfully as they do in CAS??)

New textures in-game with a natural preset EA color.

In-game shot of a custom color.
Preset colors
Do whatever you want with these as long as you're not claiming you made them or putting them on paysites of any kind.
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Date: 2011-10-06 03:34 am (UTC)no subject
Date: 2011-10-06 03:45 am (UTC)no subject
Date: 2011-10-06 04:40 am (UTC)no subject
Date: 2011-10-06 04:10 am (UTC)no subject
Date: 2011-10-06 05:18 am (UTC)no subject
Date: 2011-10-06 04:32 am (UTC)I've been fighting and fighting with myself over what kind of textures I want hair to have in game. Good thing I haven't gotten very far on my file editing because I think I've decided I like yours for diffuse, etc... Do you mind me asking what method you use for the control? Is it something that you start off with as a base and sort of copy-paste into the channels or do you draw each one individually per hair? I am rather curious as to the general technique, but forgive me if I overstep my bounds.
Also, while I'm here, I did have something I wanted to inquire about. Ages ago I remember you posting about a version 2.0 of your skin set...was that ever completed, or has it been shelved? I remember something about it being desaturated to be paler or something and was quite looking forward to it.
I'll stop here since I seem to be coming up with questions more than comments. Fantastic hair edit and I'm not one for feminine shoes for men usually as far as tastes go, but damn...those are some sexy heels. You're right about the 70's platforms thing. I can so see that. Stuff downloaded is going in my game NAO!
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Date: 2011-10-06 05:15 am (UTC)Skintone 2.0... goodness. Basically, I've been running with it for longer than I want to admit. It's not perfect, and is still only about 75% done. Sadly, this is about all it takes for me personally to consider something done for 'personal use.' I figured most people are probably using other, better skintones by now, so I pretty much forgot about it. Still, there are things bugging me (the female legs don't line up quite right, for example) that I want to fix. I think I'll shuffle this higher to the top of the 'to finish' list, and if nothing else, contact me in a few weeks and I'll just send you what I have. XD
And questions are always welcome!
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Date: 2011-10-06 06:15 am (UTC)I'll nudge you gently in a couple of weeks to see if you've done any more on the skins. I'm sure there are more people who haven't asked who would love those skins. If there's things that need to be done aside from asthetics, perhaps I can offer my help in arranging/finishing up the packages for you? Just drop me a line if you want; I know from experience that it takes time to prepare things for release, which is probably why my DW is empty right now.:}
Anyways, thanks again. I'll see what I can cook up with these hair packages I've got sitting in a folder.
And I just want to tell you...good luck. We're all counting on you. <-- Movie Reference
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Date: 2011-10-06 06:37 am (UTC)I very well may take you up on that offer for help with the skintones. I know there are some fiddly steps that drove me insane with the first set of them, so any help is very much appreciated.
I picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue. <-- My husband and I were quoting that movie almost non-stop after some horrible water damage to our house almost-but-not-quite a year ago.
Also, I was curious about your user name and pleased as hell to find you're an Emilie Autumn fan.
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Date: 2011-10-06 02:39 pm (UTC)no subject
Date: 2011-10-06 09:11 pm (UTC)no subject
Date: 2011-10-06 03:54 pm (UTC)no subject
Date: 2011-10-06 09:10 pm (UTC)no subject
Date: 2011-10-06 06:34 pm (UTC)Thank you again so much for entertaining the idea of converting these.
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Date: 2011-10-06 09:10 pm (UTC)And you're very welcome!
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Date: 2011-10-16 09:00 pm (UTC)no subject
Date: 2011-10-16 09:04 pm (UTC)I've been doing some work on my V2 skintone, but... honestly it's just ending up looking like Ephemera's. :X (Probably because the original one was based off his [?] TS2 skins, so I suppose that stands to reason.)
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Date: 2011-10-23 08:09 am (UTC)I completely understand if you want to let the project go. After all, I can edit custom content like skins myself. So no worries. :} If I get something viable I may post it as a set on my DW. Would that be all right with you? I had an idea to make several "odd" skins by blending some like jmtmom's scaled skins or LFB's burnt flesh and posting along with regular defaults and nons.
Anyways, forgive the possible incoherence. Tis 3 in the morning and the sleeping pill I took half worked. I'm not asleep, but I sure as hell ain't all there.
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Date: 2011-11-08 01:52 am (UTC)Anyway, yeah feel free to release any skin you come up with that uses my bits and pieces. You'll probably beat me to it at this rate anyway. XD
If I may be so bold, the hands I did are pretty nice, btw. If you want them, I can toss the male and female skins your way easily.