aikea_guinea: (TS3 - Jacob - ClossStress)
[personal profile] aikea_guinea posting in [community profile] club_crimsyn
This is a bit of a PSA just to let everyone know that we’ve asked that our creations no longer be posted to My Sims 3 Blog. This is something we’ve been mulling over for several months now, and have finally decided we’ve had enough of the douchebaggery that goes on in the comments over there. It’s not so much things said about our creations ([personal profile] gelydh never reads the comments on our stuff, and I only very rarely), but more about what goes on in other people’s uploads. We don’t want our creations associated with that sort of environment.

People who create CC are not slaves. We all may have very different motivations for what we do, but none of us owe anything to downloaders. Quite frankly, we're disgusted by how many (not all, but many) TS3 players treat CC creators. The amount of entitlement is beyond anything we saw for TS2. It’s one thing to expect perfection from something you’re paying for, but being nitpicky assholes about free items is appallingly rude. It’s ok to say things like ‘These are pretty nice, but they’d be even better if you added some ground shadows to them.’ The person who made the ground-shadowless thing doesn’t have to do anything to their creations, but I promise you they’ll be much more likely to take your suggestion seriously if you’re not a complete fuckwit about it.

What we've seen with the release of TS3 is no-one being safe from over-the-top criticism, regardless of whether or not they charged for their creations or gave them away for free or, as is the case with Club Crimsyn, paying half out of our own pocket for the upkeep of the site - we actually lose money and haven't cared up to this point! I'm not sure just how much longer we're willing to put up with this shit. Even at TSR we could post things and get genuine feedback without having to worry about it being torn to shreds just because someone felt like being a dick that day. We aren't in any way, shape, or form advocating paysites or TSR; it just really says something when we realize that free TS3 creators are being treated far worse than pay TS2 creators ever were.

Do the people who say shit about creations because they’re bored realize the potential consequences of what they’re doing? We’ve seen more than one creator quit because of the idiocy displayed recently. Helaene, one of our favorite creators from the very earliest days of TS2, recently stopped uploading because of trolls on her site. Quite frankly, we can’t really blame her. There’s been more than one occasion where we’ve found ourselves wondering what the point of uploading anything was because it was just being nitpicked to death, and we were used to that sort of thing from when we were paid creators on TSR.

We make custom content for TS3 because we feel like things are lacking in our own games. We think, 'We could really use some new hair textures/female clothes/rabid squirrels,' and we proceed to make said thing. If we don't like how said thing is turning out, we give up and wander off to attempt to make another thing. Eventually, we do manage to finish something, and we may or may not get a weird tickle in our brains that says 'Maybe someone else would like to have this,' and if Finished Thing isn't missing any major parts, we'll toss it on here for other people to use if they want.

This may come as a surprise, but we honestly don't care one bit if you use something we make or not. Chances are, we won't ever see your game, so we flat out won't know one way or the other. Therefore, saying something like 'If you did X to this, I'd download it' is pretty pointless. Again, constructive feedback is fine, and appreciated, but even then we won't necessarily do anything more to an item once it's finished. People are always welcome to do whatever they want to things we upload (aside from the obvious no paysites thing, and no claiming you did something we did), so feel free to have at it. You can do X to thing Y til your eyes bleed if it'll make you happy.

We’re always glad when people appreciate the things we upload, and a simple 'thanks' goes a very long way in making us want to continue sharing stuff. This may sound like it contradicts the above paragraph, but even though we don't care if you don't download something we make, it's still nice to know when it's appreciated.

In closing, I was just shown this Dilbert, which seems fitting, so I now share it with you:

(Note the date. You’re not doing anything even remotely new or original.)

I realize how pointless this all is, but damn it, I’m posting it anyway even though I know it won’t change a damned thing. I’m OK with that. Because fuck you, that’s why.
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Re: LadyEmillye

Date: 2011-03-01 01:37 am (UTC)
From: [personal profile] ladyemillye
You're welcome and yes, we did pick them up. Vid has their blogs on her blog roll, and knew of how they felt. Joe wiped out a few of them, Vid included.

It's not that I have ill feelings towards them, but the trolling does sicken me, and the fact that it is allowed to continue. It may be their blog to do with as they wish, but I can't tolerate a complete lack of disrespect, and that coupled with the fact that I choose to support my friend and those that were treated badly made me want to boycott the site entirely.

I mostly certainly hope that things change over there, in the meantime tho, I think more and more are realizing just how bad it is. When the time comes that I am a better CC creator, such as yourselves, I highly doubt I would ever want to be listed there if the trolling continues. I'm more likely to snap back at the anons. :P

Date: 2011-03-01 02:26 am (UTC)
jill_the_ripper: (Steampunk)
From: [personal profile] jill_the_ripper
Ah crap, I wasn't going to say anything else, but... I CAN'T HELP IT!

Again I want to say a huge thank you for saying this!!!!!!!! Your courage has ignited conversations in all of Sims 3 circles I'm apart of. It seems a lot of people feel the same way and are relieved someone finally made a public statement instead of just telling Joe in private to not post their stuff.

Maybe it won't help the quality of what goes on at MS3B, but perhaps it will help some creators seek out more constructive atmosphere away from the negativity now that they know there are others that feel the same. We all can hope, right?

Date: 2011-03-01 03:30 am (UTC)
neuroticrobotic: (Default)
From: [personal profile] neuroticrobotic
You know, when I first started playing these games I didn't really give much thought to the importance of "a healthy online community". I didn't really care one way or another. However, the strange and wonderful camaraderie that developed around TS2 made me realize how much that sort of thing can enhance the experience. The shitfaced escapades that seem to surround TS3 is an unfortunate addition to an otherwise extremely enjoyable game.

I love the creations you guys have made over the years. They're staples for me and a lot of other players out there. I hope you guys continue to make the things to fit your own vision, regardless of the ample douchebaggery. There are people who will always adore you guys for making things just the way you like them.

Date: 2011-03-01 03:57 am (UTC)
From: (Anonymous)
Anon, because I am barely known in the community.
I've been a long time fan of you two, even back in the days I was downloading your stuff from the booty. Your creations are always so full of awesome.
And now you write this. My respect has grown even greater for you two. God bless the both of you.

Date: 2011-03-01 04:06 am (UTC)
gelydh: (Twilight Zone | my eyes aren't that bad!)
From: [personal profile] gelydh
I'm not on your level and probably won't get there anytime soon but I try to do what I can.

Psh, I've actually had to call Aikea up in Real Life™ for the sole purpose of announcing something you've made that demanded downloading.

Date: 2011-03-01 05:41 am (UTC)
From: (Anonymous)
Eh. Jeez. I'm sorry. I'm sorry for costing you money. I'm sorry for not telling you how beautiful your skins were, how silky your hair was, and how shiny and awesome were those leather pants. I'm an ungrateful little poppit. I should've commented. Thought you knew. Didn't know there were haters. Didn't know there could be haters. I thought you were awesome and therefore you were.

If it didn't have shadows, my sims game went shadow-free. If it blurred out the walls, I didn't care, I smiled with glee. If it made my game CRASH, I looked for ways to delete all other modded content except yours you see. Your site is on the favorites list, and your site (and lemonleaf, mastercontroller and subaxi) is the only one to remain there permanently.

Date: 2011-03-01 04:24 pm (UTC)
kakaokatze: (Default)
From: [personal profile] kakaokatze
What's up with those people anyway?
I seriously love your stuff, the whole style, the way it's presented, you're quite obviously gorgeous artists/creators, but you're also quite unique, which for a reason I can't really understand seems to be ... making people with weak minds loose their ability to think properly? I dunno? There are plenty of people appreciating your sharing, plenty of people with common sense, but I guess you can't ever get rid of all the idiocy out there. Just don't let yourself be annoyed by those [-insertfavouriteinsulthere-] who have obviously nothing better to do with their lives. They're just desperate.
Some (and not small) party of the whole TS3-community makes me sometimes sit in awe in front of my PC ... this is a game, people play it, to enjoy themselves ... sometimes someone would do something he'd like showing or even sharing. That's. All. Making this a business just does something kinda wrong to the game and it's players.
Please don't do it like helaene, I really liked her stuff and was really pissed myself when some idiots flamed her enough to drive her off sharing. It was simply a damn shame.

You kick ass, way more than any troll in the world.

Date: 2011-03-01 05:25 pm (UTC)
ext_580246: (Default)
From: [identity profile]
Hi my name is Amanda

I just wanna say I love your creations on feels like christmas everytime ya'll come out with something! :)

I'd also like to say that I agree with what you've said in this post.It's downright shitty of what these trolls say about peoples creations or recolors...especially beginners...I was one of them, quitting did cross my mind but...sorry I'm not a quitter especially when I'm doing something that I really love...I thought those trolls can just fuckoff for all I care and I will continue on doing what I'm doing wether someone lkes it or not. I feel for RD cause she's had a hard time with this and she makes Awesome stuff!

I hate how these titty babie keep bitching....I've never in the several years that I've been on a computer have seen such a troll infested place like MS3B...I don't hate Joe or Brandon...but if I had a site like that...I would not tolerate it!
Thanks again for posting this,it feels Great when you have someone on your side lol.And Thanks so much for your Amazing creations and letting us recolor them!

Date: 2011-03-01 09:22 pm (UTC)
From: [personal profile] celeseraphym
I literally cringe every time I check out the comments there. To be honest, I don't even know why I bother (though I don't read them NEARLY as much as I used to) -- I rarely ever seem to find any useful or helpful info in any of the comments.

I guess I'm just getting too old....I don't understand the need to devalue people like that. That's part of what pisses me off about the whole shebang -- there are people, real living breathing human beings on the other side of the screen, real people who don't HAVE to take time away from their busy lives to create these awesome things for us. What in Will Wright's name is going on in the lives of these trolls that warrants such abusive behavior? Is there a psychiatrist shortage or something? I don't get it. The shit isn't funny, and it's wayyy past "no big deal, get over it". *sigh* I'm starting to miss the 'good old days' of saying shit to someone's FACE...

I know I've found myself, more than once, refraining from even TRYING to learn to make CC because I hear those comments in the back of my head. I wouldn't want to be featured on MS3B, but then I'll think about the sorts of things people *could* say and I say 'nah, nevermind'. Luckily we still have a plethora of creative geniuses around the community, and I support them and you guys to the FULLEST.

My TS2 Club Crimsyn folder is STILL chock full of my old CC, and I love every bit of the TS3 content from here as well. It's a shame that a handful of pitiful little demon children are driving folks to take this step, but you gotta do what you gotta do. I have so much respect for creators, and losing even ONE more creator to this madness is way beyond too much.

Date: 2011-03-01 11:17 pm (UTC)
jesslove: (Default)
From: [personal profile] jesslove
I'm still back and forth with TS3, but I'll admit that I am shocked at how some people talk about creators and their uploads for the game. It does seem a lot more cruel than it was for TS2, pay or free. I agree, the sense of entitlement is a hell of a lot worse for the game.

Personally, I love everything you guys share, even though I don't play TS3. I love your imagination and creativity and it's a damn shame that others can't realize that the more they harp on talented creators, the more they're just hurting themselves.

Date: 2011-03-02 01:07 am (UTC)
digitaldollies: grrrrrr (Default)
From: [personal profile] digitaldollies
Oh God, me too, if you're going to be a dick then own it. Put your name on it.

Date: 2011-03-02 02:22 am (UTC)
fascination: (TS3 - Smile)
From: [personal profile] fascination
Adding to the chorus: You guys make awesome creations, and I look forward to seeing new updates at Club Crimsyn. A good-sized portion of my custom content folder contains Club Crimsyn kit, and I find it appalling that people feel that they have to make snarky anon comments about people who are making things free to share with other players. It's a game, for God's sake. I don't understand why people are so vindictive in the TS3 community--which is why I mostly lurk instead of getting too involved in everything.

Date: 2011-03-02 09:27 am (UTC)
ext_395029: (Default)
From: [identity profile]
I wish I had seen this post sooner. Even reading about MS3B and those comments has me rolling my eyes. I just updated my Sim blog yesterday and was just about to upload and do my uber-formatting of photos so I could post a download, but then I was like "Fuck it. I just got listed on that goddamn site and I really don't feel like seeing the wank". It never occurred to me that I could simply ask for my stuff to not be posted. I mean, I don't make amazing things...just simple stuff. If simple stuff like fucking patterns are ripped for being "nothing special" or "not great", I'm not gonna be slitting my wrists trying to pour out my artistic soul for a goddamn video game, you know? Creating is supposed to be fun. And it is fun for me, but not when I think about having to take bullshit from web malcontents. I'm still going to create because, like I said, I really like doing it. But I think I'm going to contact the admin there and ask him to remove my links.

Plus, wasn't it revealed at some point the some of the cuntier comments were from fellow creators?! I don't know what to think about that but regardless, I don't need that kind of abuse.

Date: 2011-03-02 02:17 pm (UTC)
tamo: (Default)
From: [personal profile] tamo
Thank you for speaking up!!
"People who create CC are not slaves"
I totally agree with you. I'm not a big time, but this situation is just over the top ridiculous. Day by day we're losing creators, I'm losing some passions. MS3B kind of blogs are very helpful. But the trolls and rudeness ruins everything. I'm really sick of this.
This post means a lot to all of us. You guys are truly the best example for all creators at any time in all aspects. Thank you very much for everything aikea and gelydh.
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Tristan: "I didn't think you could come up with something like this on your own. Although 'Club Crimsyn' is something I could see you having a hand in."
Chris: "The 'Y' makes it hip."
Tristan: "Yes, if you say so."


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