Jul. 6th, 2011 05:13 pm
gelydh: (LotR |ithilien)
[personal profile] gelydh posting in [community profile] club_crimsyn
Just to set the record straight, [personal profile] geldyh is NOT me, and is in NO WAY associated with either me, Aikea, or Club Crimsyn.

While I will say that I've had this username (first on LiveJournal) since 2005 and find it incredibly odd that someone would be involved in Sims 3 CC and be completely unaware of me, or at least Club Crimsyn, I have no desire to start a pissing contest with some random person over the internet.

This post is just to inform all you about this, to hopefully lessen the confusion this has apparently caused. Aikea and I are still creating things together (I just got home today from eating her food and drinking her wine, actually), I've just been incredibly distracted by the beast known as Real Lifeā„¢.

Annon-in-Gelydh: The Sindarin name for the lost Gate of the Noldor, found after years of searching by Tuor, and used by him to escape Hithlum and find his way into Nevrast.

From Encyclopedia of Arda.

Date: 2011-07-07 01:20 pm (UTC)
jenfold: Made by me (Angry Spider thick of it)
From: [personal profile] jenfold
Odd how they claim to have learnt how to create on GoS (you know the forum where you're most visible) and yet there is no account in that name registered to the forum. Weird since they claim they have always used your username.

And yes the dw addy reverses two letters but then everything else on the site uses your username. It comes across to me as malicious. If they must use Gelydh as part of their name their are many was to make it obvious that they are not you they have not done that.

Date: 2011-07-13 09:35 am (UTC)
jenfold: Made by me (Crossbow)
From: [personal profile] jenfold
Since I wrote my first comment I talked to you know who (not Voldemort)and I heard the story about who it actually is. So yes I call utter shenanigans on them using that name before they saw you.

I'm not entirely sure what their major malfunction is but hopefully the creepy moron will get bored soon.
Tristan: "I didn't think you could come up with something like this on your own. Although 'Club Crimsyn' is something I could see you having a hand in."
Chris: "The 'Y' makes it hip."
Tristan: "Yes, if you say so."


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